Touched (eBook)

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Touched: A Painter’s Insights into the Work of Liane Collot d’Herbois

“One should try to see health and disease in light of the theory of color.”
Rudolf Steiner

This book is the result the of the author’s adventure in painting and work with Liane Collot d’Herbois (1907–1999), the well-known artist and therapist who worked in the tradition of Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual research. The author learned to surrender to the beings of color, to remove one’s self from the process, and to paint as “one would do mathematics,” that is, in an orderly way.

The journey recorded in Touched takes the reader first to Tintagel on the Atlantic coast of Cornwall, England, where Liane Collot d’Herbois had lived as a child. In the early 1990s, the author first met Liane in Driebergen, The Netherlands, and began a journey of self-discovery through color. She recollects conversations with Liane, shares significant words from Steiner, Liane, and others, along with observations on her travels through England, Europe, Russia, Persia, and elsewhere.

Underlying the narrative is Marie-Laure’s more intimate journey into light and darkness and colors and the wise teaching of Liane Collot d’Herbois. She describes the effects of using charcoal to explore light and darkness, then moves on discuss colors individually and their effects, subtle and otherwise, while illuminating her text with the words of Rudolf Steiner and others and offering her own observations on artists and color.

Touched offers a sound and practical introduction to the world of light and darkness and color, as well as insights that will inspire experienced artists.

C O N T E N T S:


First Meeting
Return to Tintagel
Approaching Darkness and Light
Observations in Cornwall
Entering the Work of Liane Collot d’Herbois
Training in Light, Darkness, and Color
Love and Knowledge
Alchemy and the Fourth Dimension
Spiritual Beings and Perception
Working with Our Hands
Light and Darkness, Heaven and Earth
Just Keep Working
Feet on the Earth


What Is Color?
Turner, Pioneer of Watercolor
Entering the Land of Red
Leaving Tintagel


1. “The Chapel at La Motta, Brissago” by Liane Collot d’Herbois
2. “A Brushtroke on the Portrait of Ita Wegman” by Liane Collot d’Herbois

The Work of Liane Collot d’Herbois

About the Author

Marie-Laure Valandro was born in 1948 and spent her childhood in Bourgogne, Morocco, Algeria, and Bretagne. At fifteen, she moved with her family to Boston, where she received a B.A. in modern literature, romance languages, and education and taught in the Boston public school system. Later, she moved to Vermont, and obtained an M.A. in literature. At twenty-three, Marie-Laure returned to Paris to study at The Sorbonne, to teach and to travel around Europe to various Christian Holy sites. She later moved to Tehran to teach technical English and to tour throughout the Eastern world, studying Sufism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism as seen through the eyes of its believers and through visits to holy sites. Marie-Laure returned to the United States to care for her son. She lived in the community of Wilton, New Hampshire, where she first encountered Anthroposophy. She ended her school teaching to care for her daughter, son, and husband, a medical doctor. Meanwhile, she continued to travel and trek in South America, both alone and with her children. Later, she moved to Wisconsin and began the Liane Collot d’Herbois training in painting. On her family farm in Wisconsin, Marie-Laure uses biodynamic methods and has developed master gardens, vegetable gardens, herb gardens, and an orchard. She has also established a painting studio, where she creates large veil paintings. Recently, she moved from Wisconsin to a post-and-beam house built by her son in the Canadian Rockies of British Columbia. Her goal is to continue walking across this beautiful Earth, meeting people with love and sharing her journeys in meditative books, sprinkled with insights from Rudolf Steiner’s works and the many talented students of his teachings. She continues to make large veil paintings to “heal people and spaces.”

Additional information







September 2012






Lindisfarne Books


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