Awakening the Will: Principles and Processes in Adult Learning
How do adults learn? What is the task of the educator in adult education? What can adults do to take charge of their learning process? Learning means change and transformation.
Coenraad van Houten tells us that, in order to learn, we must first awaken the will. True adult education, he says, enables our spiritual I to accomplish this.
He describes the forms in which learning can be meaningfully structured and offers advice and ideas to help overcome specific learning blocks. This book regards the business of adult education as a full profession, and it provides a theoretical and practical basis for its real goal – awakening the will.
About the Author
Coenraad van Houten was born in the Netherlands and, after studying chemistry, economics, and social pedagogy, lived in Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Britain. He has been a business manager, consultant, and director for the Centre of Social Development. He has developed special programs and seminars on adult education, “destiny learning,” and spiritual research. He advises organization on training, is author of two books, and co-founder of the New Adult Learning Movement.
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