Saturn – Mary – Sophia

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Saturn – Mary – Sophia: Star Wisdom Series (Vol. 2)

With Monthly Ephemerides and Commentary for 2020

Saturn–Mary–Sophia includes articles of interest on star wisdom (Astrosophy), as well as a guide to the correspondences between stellar configurations during the life of Christ and those of today. This guide comprises a complete sidereal ephemeris and aspectarian, geocentric and heliocentric, for each day throughout the year. Published yearly, new volumes are generally available beginning in November for the coming new year.

According to Rudolf Steiner, every step taken by Christ during his ministry between the Baptism in the Jordan and the Resurrection was in harmony with—and an expression of—the cosmos. The Star Wisdom series is concerned with these heavenly correspondences during the life of Christ and is intended to help provide a foundation for cosmic Christianity, the cosmic dimension of Christianity. It is this dimension that, by and large, has been missing until now from Christianity and its the 2,000-year history.

Readers can begin on this path by contemplating the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets against the background of the sidereal zodiacal constellations (signs) today in relation to corresponding stellar events during the life of Christ. In this way, the possibility is opened for attuning in a living way to the life of Christ, who is now—since the onset of his Second Coming in 1933—spiritually present in the etheric aura of the Earth.

Volume 2 of Star Wisdom highlights the 100th-year anniversary of Steiner’s lecture series on Isis, Mary, and Sophia in December 1920. In these lectures, Steiner laid out a path for new forms of both star wisdom and nature wisdom, which laid the foundation for his Astronomy Course a month later. According to the author of Meditations on the Tarot, the guiding being of the Saturn Sphere is none other than the Virgin Mary, who has manifested in history as both Isis and Sophia. The year 2020 is very special for the planet Saturn.

The year begins with a conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in January and ends with a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter (a “Great Conjunction) in December. This year’s contributions will highlight, from a variety of perspectives, the influence and guidance we can receive in a particularly potent way during 2020, the year of Saturn and Isis–Mary–Sophia.

Finally, the monthly commentaries for the year are provided by Joel Matthew Park, supported by Julie Humphrey’s astronomical previews for each month. They offer us an opportunity to connect the spiritual with stellar configurations during 2020. This direct interaction of human beings on Earth with angels—as well as other heavenly beings connected with the stars—is intended to help the reader develop the capacity to receive the wisdom-filled teachings of the angelic hierarchies.

C O N T E N T S:

Preface by Robert Powell

“The Seven Ideals of the Rose of the World” by Robert Powell

Editorial Foreword by Joel Matthew Park

  • “Blessings of the Great Conjunction” by Julie Humphreys
  • “The Mystery of Emerging Form: Capricorn and Sagittarius” by Yvan Rioux
  • “Into the Vortex,” Part 2 by Kevin Dann
  • “Saturn in Cancer: Returning to the Origin of the Houses” by Joel Matthew Park
  • “Film Review: The Principle” by Phillip Malone
  • “The Galactic Horoscope and the Circle of the Galactic Constellations” by David Bowden and Robert Powell, PhD
  • “Everlasting Concrescence: A Process-Relational Cosmology” by Becca S. Tarnas
  • “The Saturn–Pluto Conjunction of 2020” by Lucian Schloss
  • “Classics in Astrosophy, Part III: The Great Conjunctions” by Robert Powell
  • “Cultivating Light: A Michaelic Approach to Living in the Shadow of the Beast” by Claudia McLaren Lainson
  • “Working with the Star Wisdom Calender” by Robert Powell
  • Symbols Used in Charts / Time
  • Commentaries and Ephemerides, January to December 2020 by Joel Matthew Park
  • Monthly Stargazing Preview and Astronomical Sky Watch by Julie Humphreys

Bibliography and Related Reading
About the Contributors

About the Author

Joel Matthew Park is a husband, father, and Christian Hermeticist based in Copake, New York. From 2011 to 2019 he was a life-sharing coworker at Plowshare Farm (a Camphill affiliate), farming and candlemaking with people from a variety of countries, ages, and developmental backgrounds. During this time, he earned a certification in Social Therapy from the School of Spiritual Science through the Camphill Academy. He has been living and working in Camphill Village Copake since 2019. After a time devoted to elder care, he has become increasingly involved in teaching in the Camphill Academy, on topics such as Stargazing, the Karma of Vocation, Theosophy, the Human Soul, the Festival Year, and Philosophical Perspectives. Joel has been a student of Anthroposophy since 2008 and a Christian Hermeticist since 2010. In 2014, he met Phillip Malone; together, the two of them have been investigating the Tarot of Marseilles since 2016. Since then, Joel has led two retreats on “Tarot and the Art of Hermetic Conversation” (2017 and 2019). The fruits of Joel and Phillip’s collaboration in this realm can be found at In 2015, he joined the Grail Knighthood, a group-spiritual practice offered through the Sophia Foundation. Through this, he met Robert Powell, whose work he had been studying since 2009. Since then, Joel has been working actively with him to continue the karma research Robert began in 1977 and exemplifies in works such as Hermetic Astrology, volumes I and II, and Elijah, Come Again. Joel’s first contribution was to the Journal for Star Wisdom 2018 (published Nov. 2017), after which he became editor for the journal’s continuation, the Star Wisdom series. The first volume of this series was published in November 2018. A selection of Joel’s writings can be found on his TreeHouse website,

Robert A. Powell, PhD, is an internationally known lecturer, author, eurythmist, and movement therapist. He is founder of the Choreocosmos School of Cosmic and Sacred Dance, and cofounder of the Sophia Foundation of North America. He received his doctorate for his thesis The History of the Zodiac, available as a book from Sophia Academic Press. He is the author and coauthor of numerous work, including The Sophia Teachings (a six-tape series), as well as numerous books on star wisdom (Astrosophy), the divine feminine (Sophia), the Christian Mysteries, and sacred movement. He has also been a contributing editor of the annual journal Star Wisdom. He translated the spiritual classic Meditations on the Tarot and co-translated Valentin Tomberg’s Lazarus, Come Forth! Robert teaches a gentle form of healing movement: the sacred dance of eurythmy, as well as the Cosmic Dances of the Planets and signs of the zodiac. Through the Sophia Grail Circle, Robert facilitates sacred celebrations dedicated to the Divine Feminine. He has also offered numerous workshops in Europe and Australia, and with Karen Rivers, cofounder of the Sophia Foundation, and has led pilgrimages to the world’s sacred sites since 1996.

DAVID BOWDEN is a teacher of phenomenological physics and projective geometry and has taught at Orana School for Rudolf Steiner Education in Canberra, and the Mount Barker Waldorf School in Adelaide, Australia. He originally trained in electronics and telecommunications and is currently a researcher and a teacher of projective geometry and the new Goethean physics.

Kevin Dann, Ph.D., has taught history at SUNY Plattsburgh, the University of Vermont, and Rutgers University. His books include Lewis Creek Lost and Found (University Press of New England, 2001); Across the Great Border Fault: The Naturalist Myth in America (Rutgers University Press, 2000); and Bright Colors Falsely Seen: Synaesthesia and the Search for Transcendental Knowledge (Yale University Press, 1998).

Julie Humphreys is a graduate of Stanford and a former pediatric nurse and Waldorf mom. An early interest in astrology lay dormant for more than three decades until she was introduced to the sidereal system, the works of Robert Powell, and the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich. She has taken great joy in researching astrological phenomena for the Journal for Star Wisdom. Julie lives in Carmel, California, where shooting stars and the Milky Way are often visible.

CLAUDIA McLAREN LAINSON is a teacher and Therapeutic Educator. She has been working in the field of Anthroposophy since 1982, when she founded her first Waldorf program in Boulder, Colorado. She lectures nationallyis the founder of Windrose Farm and Academy near Boulder. Claudia most recently founded the School for the Sophia Mysteries at Windrose. She is the author of The Circle of Twelve and the Legacy of Valentin Tomberg.

PHILLIP MALONE practices Structural Integration in Peter-borough, New Hampshire. He has been a student of Christian Hermeticism since 2001, with Rudolf Steiner and Valentin Tomberg being his primary influences. Currently he is engaged in a long-term meditative study of the Tarot de Marseille. He also enjoys singing in choirs, prayer eurythmy, basketball, and exploring cosmology.

LUCIAN SCHLOSS is a psychotherapist, astrologer and family constellation facilitator living in Oregon’s Willamette Valley with his wife and three kids. He is a Waldorf graduate and has been studying Anthroposophy for the past 18 years.

BECCA S. TARNAS, PhD, is a scholar, artist, and editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology. She received her doctorate in Philosophy and Religion from the California Institute of Integral Studies with her dissertation, The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C.G. Jung and J.R.R. Tolkien. Becca received her BA from Mount Holyoke College in Environmental Studies and Theater Arts, and an MA in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness at CIIS. Becca has a private astrological counseling practice.

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Weight 20 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 0.8 × 11 in


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November 2019






Lindisfarne Books


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