Mythological theater opens up pathways for everyone to learn the lessons which the old myths have hidden in symbols. Through twelve adventures, the Greek hero Herakles draws us into a more vital relation with our own lives.
“War in Heaven: Accessing Myth through Drama is the opening curtain on the dawn of a spiritual renaissance of the theatrical arts. The archetypal myth of Herakles (Hercules) portrays to us all our journey as humanity, with its challenges to see the task clearly, have the courage to undertake it, and the skill and wisdom to triumph. War in Heaven is not only a reinvigoration and reinterpretation of the Herakles myth, but a manual and guidebook. By its very depth and scope, it outlines the vision and the means for the re-creation of sacred drama in the 21st century.” – Gordon Davidson, author of Spiritual Politics. President, The Center for Visionary Leadership, Washington, D.C.
About the Author
David Tresemer, PhD, has a doctorate in psychology, and is associate professor of psychology at Rudolf Steiner College for the certificate program in Counseling Psychology, with concentration in Anthroposophic Psychology. He has written in many areas, ranging from The Scythe Book: Mowing Hay, Cutting Weeds, and Harvesting Small Grains with Hand Tools to a book about mythic theater, War in Heaven: Accessing Myth Through Drama, and a book on astrology-seen-intelligently, Star Wisdom and Rudolf Steiner: A Life Seen through the Oracle of the Solar Cross, as well as The Venus Eclipse of the Sun. David’s has also written numerous articles on the connection of celestial events to human experience.
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