
From Eclipse to Apocalypse (eBook)

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From Eclipse to Apocalypse: Star Wisdom, Vol 6

With Monthly Ephemerides and Commentary for 2024

Each volume of Star Wisdom includes articles of interest on star wisdom (Astrosophy) and a guide to the correspondences between stellar configurations during the life of Christ and those of today. The guide comprises a complete sidereal ephemeris and aspectarian, geocentric and heliocentric, for days throughout the year. Published each year, new editions are available beginning in November for the coming year.

According to Rudolf Steiner, every step taken by Christ during his ministry between the Baptism in the Jordan and the Resurrection was in harmony with—and an expression of—the cosmos. Star Wisdom is concerned with heavenly correspondences during the life of Christ. It is intended to provide a foundation for cosmic Christianity, the cosmic dimension of Christianity—a dimension that has been missing from its two-thousand-year history.

Readers can begin on this path by contemplating today’s movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets against the background of the zodiacal constellations (sidereal signs) in relation to corresponding stellar events during the life of Christ. This opens the possibility of attuning, in a living way throughout the year, to the life of Christ in the etheric cosmos.

Star Wisdom, volume 6, features a variety of articles that, although historical in many cases, are relevant to the present time, beginning with Joel Matthews’ foreword, which focuses on the social and spiritual significance of the eclipse of 2024 (“the gateway out of the Age of Eclipse and into Apocalypse”), as well as eclipses of recent years and another that will occur in 2045.

Joel Park also brings part 3 of “The Sacrifices of Jesus and Christ,” with a comprehensive view of several millennia of past and coming times of transformation. He also brings part 4 of “Returning to the Origin of the Houses: Practical Application and Summary,” which aligns the Houses and Tarot. Julie Humphreys’ article, “The Bull Hurls a Thunderbolt,” discusses Uranus as it passes through the cusp of Aries and Taurus in June, in sync with the human biographical seven-year periods of life.

Also included is a lecture by Rudolf Steiner, “Individual Spirit Beings and the Constant Foundation of the Universe,” from Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human Double, discussing the influences of secret brotherhoods and the transition of human culture to a new era.

Krisztina Cseri’s article, “One Hundred Years after the Karma Lectures by Rudolf Steiner,” illumines “karmic relationships from an astrological point of view.” Robert Powell’s “Classics in Astrosophy” series revisits the concept of a lunar calendar for farmers and gardeners.

The ephemerides for this volume cover not only the months of 2024, but also most of the months during the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, from December ad 29 to June 33, which may be used in conjunction with The Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich.

C O N T E N T S:

by Robert Powell, PhD

The Seven Ideals of the Rose of the World
by Robert Powell, PhD

Editorial Foreword: From Eclipse to Apocalypse
by Joel Matthew Park

Letter to the Editor
from Cale Brandley

In Service for Nature
by Natalia Haarahiltunen

The Sacrifices of Jesus and Christ, part 3
by Joel Matthew Park

The Bull Hurls a Thunderbolt
by Julie Humphreys

Individual Spirit Beings and the Constant Foundation of the Universe
lecture by Rudolf Steiner

Returning to the Origin of the Houses, Part IV: Practical Application and Summary
by Joel Matthew Park

One Hundred Years after the Karma Lectures by Rudolf Steiner
by Krisztina Cseri

Classics in Astrosophy, Part VII: Lunar Calendar for Farmers and Gardeners
by Robert Powell, PhD, and Fred Gettings

Ode to Deneb
by Natalia Haarahiltunen

Working with the Star Wisdom Calendar
by Robert Powell, PhD

  • Symbols Used in Charts / Time
  • Ephemerides for 2024
  • Ephemerides for the ministry of Christ
  • Glossary of Esoteric Christianity
  • Cited Works and Related Reading
  • The Contributors

About the Author

Joel Matthew Park is a husband, father, and Christian Hermeticist based in Copake, New York. From 2011 to 2019 he was a life-sharing coworker at Plowshare Farm (a Camphill affiliate), farming and candlemaking with people from a variety of countries, ages, and developmental backgrounds. During this time, he earned a certification in Social Therapy from the School of Spiritual Science through the Camphill Academy. He has been living and working in Camphill Village Copake since 2019. After a time devoted to elder care, he has become increasingly involved in teaching in the Camphill Academy, on topics such as Stargazing, the Karma of Vocation, Theosophy, the Human Soul, the Festival Year, and Philosophical Perspectives. Joel has been a student of Anthroposophy since 2008 and a Christian Hermeticist since 2010. In 2014, he met Phillip Malone; together, the two of them have been investigating the Tarot of Marseilles since 2016. Since then, Joel has led two retreats on “Tarot and the Art of Hermetic Conversation” (2017 and 2019). The fruits of Joel and Phillip’s collaboration in this realm can be found at In 2015, he joined the Grail Knighthood, a group-spiritual practice offered through the Sophia Foundation. Through this, he met Robert Powell, whose work he had been studying since 2009. Since then, Joel has been working actively with him to continue the karma research Robert began in 1977 and exemplifies in works such as Hermetic Astrology, volumes I and II, and Elijah, Come Again. Joel’s first contribution was to the Journal for Star Wisdom 2018 (published Nov. 2017), after which he became editor for the journal’s continuation, the Star Wisdom series. The first volume of this series was published in November 2018. A selection of Joel’s writings can be found on his TreeHouse website,

Robert A. Powell, PhD, is an internationally known lecturer, author, eurythmist, and movement therapist. He is founder of the Choreocosmos School of Cosmic and Sacred Dance, and cofounder of the Sophia Foundation of North America. He received his doctorate for his thesis The History of the Zodiac, available as a book from Sophia Academic Press. He is the author and coauthor of numerous work, including The Sophia Teachings (a six-tape series), as well as numerous books on star wisdom (Astrosophy), the divine feminine (Sophia), the Christian Mysteries, and sacred movement. He has also been a contributing editor of the annual journal Star Wisdom. He translated the spiritual classic Meditations on the Tarot and co-translated Valentin Tomberg’s Lazarus, Come Forth! Robert teaches a gentle form of healing movement: the sacred dance of eurythmy, as well as the Cosmic Dances of the Planets and signs of the zodiac. Through the Sophia Grail Circle, Robert facilitates sacred celebrations dedicated to the Divine Feminine. He has also offered numerous workshops in Europe and Australia, and with Karen Rivers, cofounder of the Sophia Foundation, and has led pilgrimages to the world’s sacred sites since 1996.

Julie Humphreys is a graduate of Stanford and a former pediatric nurse and Waldorf mom. An early interest in astrology lay dormant for more than three decades until she was introduced to the sidereal system, the works of Robert Powell, and the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich. She has taken great joy in researching astrological phenomena for the Journal for Star Wisdom. Julie lives in Carmel, California, where shooting stars and the Milky Way are often visible.

Natalia Haarahiltunen studied singing and Anthroposophy at Snellman College from 1999 to 2003. She invited Robert Powell to Finland in both 2012 and 2013. She was the editor of Starlight from 2019 to 2021. In recent years, Natalia has been collaborating with Joel Park to develop the Footwashing service. Her interest toward Star Wisdom has been growing year by year, and she has been working with Krisztina Cseri.

Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) was born in the small village of Kraljevec, Austro-Hungarian Empire (now in Croatia), where he grew up. As a young man, he lived in Weimar and Berlin, where he became a well-published scientific, literary, and philosophical scholar, known especially for his work with Goethe’s scientific writings. At the beginning of the twentieth century, he began to develop his early philosophical principles into an approach to systematic research into psychological and spiritual phenomena. Formally beginning his spiritual teaching career under the auspices of the Theosophical Society, Steiner came to use the term Anthroposophy (and spiritual science) for his philosophy, spiritual research, and findings. The influence of Steiner’s multifaceted genius has led to innovative and holistic approaches in medicine, various therapies, philosophy, religious renewal, Waldorf education, education for special needs, threefold economics, biodynamic agriculture, Goethean science, architecture, and the arts of drama, speech, and eurythmy. In 1924, Rudolf Steiner founded the General Anthroposophical Society, which today has branches throughout the world. He died in Dornach, Switzerland.

Krisztina Cseri was born in 1975 in Hungary. She graduated as an economist and worked in the production and financial controlling field at various companies for twelve years. Krisztina began to work with astrology in 2002 and attended a course from 2004 until 2007. She became a student of Anthroposophy at Pentecost 2009, when a friend invited her to the anniversary celebration of Rudolf Steiner’s “Budapest lectures.” Owing to the impact of that event, she soon left her financial career. She first encountered the work of Willi Sucher and Robert Powell in 2010. In 2012, with her husband, she founded the Hungarian Sophia Foundation. They have a small publishing company and translate and distribute books on spiritual themes. Krisztina has translated six books written by Robert Powell (and Kevin Dann) into Hungarian and in 2020 finished translating Meditations on the Tarot into Hungarian. She is the mother of two children and lives with her family in a village near Budapest.

Fred Gettings (1937–2013) was born in Yorkshire, England, and received an MA at Sussex University in 1969. He was listed by Marquis Who’s Who as a notable writer of numerous books and a photographer.

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