
New Daoism (eBook)

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New Daoism: A Fresh Look at Laozi

“‘The Dao that can be a road is not the eternal Dao.’ The word Dao can be a method to talk about or can be a road to walk on, yet neither meaning can convey the full significance of Dao, the Primal Wisdom.”

New Daoism analyzes the old Daoist classic Laozi (also called Daodejing) through the prism of the modern anthroposophic teaching of Rudolf Steiner. The author, Kwan-Yuk Claire Sit, has spent more than twenty years diligently studying these two subjects. Such resolute research has enabled her to bring refreshingly new perspectives to both Daoism and Anthroposophy. She cogently explains why Daoism can now be regarded as esoteric Christianity and how the practice of Daoism can lead to the mystical union with the Christ spirit within.

Claire Sit provides practical advice on matters such as how to manifest one’s wishes. She presents a so-called persist-resist principle—what one persists in wanting will resist appearing—illustrating how calmness and quietude of the mind are conducive to the fulfillment of one’s goals. The author’s simple and plain language explores deep and subtle aspects of Dao, incorporating numerous anecdotes to illustrate this path of self-realization.

Whether a seasoned or new student of Laozi and Anthroposophy, readers will find this book inspiring and informative.

C O N T E N T S:

An Overview of Anthroposophy
A Brief Survey of Laozi Editions

Dao Jing

Chapters 1–3
Chapters 4–7, 22–24
Chapters 8–13
Chapters 14–20
Chapters 25–29, 36–37

De Jing

Chapters 38–42
Chapters 43–48, 54, 56, 60
Chapters 63–64, 68–71, 78–81


The Hierarchies and the Cosmos
Rudolf Steiner’s Commentary on Dao
The Great One Excretes Water
Laozi Chapter Titles

Selected Bibliography

About the Author

Kwan-Yuk Claire Sit graduated from the University of Hong Kong and moved to the United States to attend graduate school. She holds a PhD in pure mathematics from the City University of New York and is Professor Emerita of Mathematics at LaGuardia Community College in New York City. In addition to self-study of Eastern philosophy and Anthroposophy, Claire’shobbies include knitting and calligraphy. She has published four books, The Lord’s Prayer: An Eastern Perspective(2008); Lao Tzu and Anthroposophy (2012); The Heart Sutra and Beyond (2014); 老子與人智學 (2017); and New Daosim (2023). She has presented talks on her books around the world, including in Chengdu, China, Dornach, Switzerland, Hong Kong, and New York City.

薛羅君鈺 (Kwan-Yuk Claire Sit) 在香港出生長大,自香港大學畢業後,移居美國,取得紐約市立大學研究中心數學博士學位。現為紐約市拉瓜迪亞社區學院數學系名譽教授。她喜好研究東方哲學和西方人智學。著有 The Lord’s Prayer: An Eastern Perspective, Lao Tzu and Anthroposophy  及 The Heart Sutra and Beyond.

Additional information







October 2023






Lindisfarne Books


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