My Life-Chart: The Human Life
The Life-Chart Poster lets one see aspects of the physical, life, soul, and ego, as well as the patterns that show themselves in this incarnation of yourself. The Human Life has previously been described as being an accessible introduction to anthroposophy.
The Human Life (book sold separately) is a contribution to biography work that explores the various chapters of a human lifetime in the context of an anthroposophical world view. Cosmic evolution, destiny, and karma are discussed as they relate to one’s life and to the lives of others. The Human Life is a helpful guide to have as one travels the path of self-knowledge and tries to understand the encounters one meets – and possibly gets tripped up by – along the way.
About the Author
Florin Lowndes was born in Romania in 1938 and graduated from the Institute for Fine Arts in Bucharest. After escaping the Communist regime there and moving to the United States, he became known internationally for his architecture-related art. Since moving to Germany, he has become known as a free thinker, writer, and lecturer. He has taught college-level courses and in Waldorf schools and has studied anthroposophy since 1971. Mr. Lowndes has written for numerous journals and, with George and Gisela O’Neil, coauthored The Human Life. He founded the Center of Heart-Thinking in Boston and leads training seminars in the U.S. and Europe.
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