The Qualities of Time (Vol. II) (eBook)

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The Qualities Of Time: Affects of The Superphysical Forces Of the Universe Upon The Individualized Superphysical Forces of Man

The second volume enters into the question of the human being’s individualized relationship to cosmic realities working in the present moment, by virtue of his/her particular birth configuration. It also introduces findings in relation to certain shorter rhythms (Hours of Solomon, 2-hourly rhythm, ascendant rhythm, etc.) of time. In the heart of this volume, we find eight artistic contemplations of the planetary spheres of experience. Again, the author does not suggest that we blindly accept his findings as dogma, but offer a practical guide towards aiding the reader in his or her own process of intensive, objective self-exploration.

About the Author

Paul Platt was born and raised on the outskirts of New York City about the middle of last century. As a child of his time, he was both a good athlete (particularly tennis) and good student. He first attended Williams College and then Reed College, studying philosophy and religion. He graduated from Reed in 1970 with a degree in religion. Paul wrote his undergraduate thesis on the theme of Good and Evil as explored by the Jewish theologian, Martin Buber. Later, years after graduation (1970), while engaged in writing a novel about a young man coming of age in New York City, Paul had an ‘awakening’ to a larger part of his Self. This inaugurated the central motif which has guided his life during the previous thirty years. Simply put, it has been a self-exploration and self-development. Though conversant with a wide range of teachings and teachers, most fully perhaps, that of Rudolf Steiner, to whom Paul owes an inestimable debt of gratitude, Paul has largely charted his own course. See Paul’s full biography here:

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June 1987




Golden Stone Press


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