The Age of Discovery
The Age of Discovery was a time of exploration and developing new ideas, when Europeans first traveled across the seas to other lands.
In his warm and expressive style, Charles Kovacs tells stories of key European historical figures, from the Crusades to the Renaissance, including Saladin, Joan of Arc, Columbus, Magellan, Queen Elizabeth I, and Francis Drake, and draws out the interrelation of world events.
This revised edition of a classic text is an engaging resource for teachers and home-schooling parents. This historical period is traditionally covered in Class 7 (ages 13 and 14) of the Waldorf curriculum.
About the Author
Charles Kovacs (1907–2001) was born in Vienna, Austria. He left in 1938 and joined the British Army in East Africa. After the War he settled in Britain, and in 1956 he took over a class at the Rudolf Steiner School in Edinburgh, where he remained a class teacher until his retirement in 1976. He died in 2001. His extensive lesson notes have been a useful and inspiring resource material for many teachers; he also gave over 300 lectures to adults and was in demand as a speaker. He is the author of numerous books for Waldorf teaching, as well as The Spiritual Background to Christian Festivals and The Apocalypse in Rudolf Steiner’s Lecture Series.
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